
都市の景観問題を地域住民、企業、行政との連携により、 環境美化とアーティスト支援や都市PRなど「クリーン」と「アート」から、持続可能な社会の実現に貢献することを目的とする団体。



CLEAN & ART general incorporated association

An organization that aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society from "clean" and "art" such as environmental beautification, artist support, and city PR by cooperating with local residents, companies, and governments on urban landscape issues.

Home page: http://clean-and-art.com/


JOBANアートライン協議会     アートプロデューサー 2008年〜(4区4市、東京芸大、JR東日本)


忘れ物傘使用総数:3649本 チャリティー金額総額:505,926円



Joban Art Line Council art producer 2008-(4 City, Tokyo Art University, JR East)

A live paint and charity Art umbrella by the Tokyo University of the Arts was held by the original umbrella workshop and the students using a left-behind umbrella.
Lost and left umbrella total: 3649 Total charity amount: 505926 yen
Home page: https://www.joban-art.com/

サイクルアートフェスティバル   アートプロデューサー 2005年〜(取手競輪場)

Cycle Art Festival (サイクルアートフェスティバル)の頭文字を取った通称「CAFe」。




Cycle Art Festival Art producer 2005-(Toride Velodrome)

Cycle Art Festival : the name "Cafe" that took the initials of the Cycling Arts Festival
In Toride City, Tokyo University of the Arts has a special feature of Toride campus, which is a collaboration of bicycles and art held once a year at the Toride Velodrome.